The Illinois Council on Long Term Care provides the following links
to pertinent long term care Internet sites in the categories listed
below. Click one of the underlined topic areas below to automatically
move down to the appropriate position on this page.
Aging/Clinical Links
Industry/Association Links
Federal/State Government Links

AARP is a nonprofit membership organization for people age 50
and over that delivers value to members through information,
advocacy and service. The AARP is active in every state, the
District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
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for Aging Research. The Alliance for Aging Research is involved
in developing, implementing and advocating programs in research,
professional and consumer health education and public policy.
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Association. This site provides information for caregivers,
including local chapters as well as medical data. The site is sponsored
by the Alzheimers Association of America.
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Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center. The U.S.
National Institute on Aging provides news about the latest research
findings on Alzheimers disease, services for patients and
their families, and links to Connections, ADEARs quarterly
online newsletter.
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Physical Therapy Association, Section on Geriatrics. This
site contains information about research, upcoming conferences,
consumer information about geriatric physical therapy, and links
to other health and geriatric related Internet sites. It is useful
for therapists, geriatric clients, people considering careers in
physical therapy, and anyone concerned with health care issues for
the elderly.
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Foundation. This site provides information about the Foundation
and its local chapters, a list of answers to frequently asked questions
about arthritis and instruction on ordering more detailed information.
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for Workplace Health: CTDNews: This site provides information
on workplace repetitive motion and stress injuries and illnesses,
including carpal tunnel syndrome to low-back pain. Specific information
includes current CTD news, industry specific information and statistics,
symptoms and prevention techniques, standards and guidelines, and
a product marketplace.
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for Disease Control and Prevention. This site maintains
an extensive Web site with information on disease prevention guidelines
and strategies, with specific data and statistics, with project
grant and funding information and with descriptions of training
and employment opportunities.
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Digestive and Kidney Diseases. This site is sponsored by
the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease
of the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). A number of patient
information documents are available dealing with these diseases,
as well as news releases.
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Inc. This companies commercial site is a good source for
information on repetitive motion injuries. The company provides
workplace evaluation and design tools as well as ergonomics related
products. The site does provide free of charge a reference room
that has many related OSHA documents and a ergonomics news update
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Economics. This site is
a comprehensive guide to health economics, pharmacy and medical
resources on the Web. Many links are also provided for medical libraries,
journals and databases.
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on the Internet. This site provides useful information and
referrals for both medical professionals and individuals wanting
to learn about various incontinence-related products and how to
obtain help. This is a commercial site.
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and Mortality Weekly Report. This is a product of the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention of the U.S. government and provides
mainly statistical data on morbidity and mortality based on reports
received from state health departments.
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Alliance for the Mentally Ill. The NAMI is a grass
roots, self-help, support and advocacy organization dedicated to
improving the lives of people with severe mental illness and their
loved ones. This site provides links to literature, links and other
pertinent information regarding the mentally ill.
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Breast Cancer Foundation. This site provides updates on events
and activities, an interactive blog, information for increased awareness
through education, where to receive diagnostic breast care services
for those in need, and nurturing support services.
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Council on the Aging, Inc. The NCOA is the nation's first
association of organizations and professionals dedicated to
promoting the dignity, self-determination, well being, and
contributions of older persons. NCOA is an advocate for public
policies, societal attitudes, and business practices that promote
vital aging.
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Institute of Health.
This site is hosted by the U.S. National Institutes of Health. Among
the resources found here are treatment guidelines for patients and
professionals through a Physician Data Query system and fact sheets
on various cancer topics. The information is updated monthly.
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Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
This site describes the free library program of Braille and recorded
materials circulated to eligible borrowers through a network of
cooperating libraries. Links to other libraries for the blind and
physically handicapped individuals are provided.
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Stroke Association. The
National Stroke Association is the preeminent organization committed
to fighting stroke in this country, providing national expertise
and leadership for those at risk, suffering or recovering from this
devastating condition. NSA is aggressively taking steps to
reduce the incidence and impact of stroke and create greater awareness
for stroke prevention.
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Home Page. This site provides news and information
about schizophrenia, as well as updates on events. Additionally,
the site addresses support and discussion groups, information for
families and patients, and students and researchers.
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This site promotes the use of computers among seniors. This site
provides information about SeniorNets activities, publications
and local learning centers. SeniorNet has been in operation since
the mid-1980s, and was the first dedicated effort to foster
and promote the use of computers by older persons.
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Association. This site provides information for caregivers,
including local chapters as well as medical data. The site is sponsored
by the Alzheimers Association of America.
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Association of Nurse Assessment Coordinators. The mission of
the American Association of Nurse Assessment Coordinators (AANAC) is
to improve the quality of care for residents/patients by providing
health care professionals with accurate and timely information,
education, networking, and advocacy related to clinical assessment
and completion of federally mandated instruments.
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College of Health Care Administrators. This professional
society site for long term care administrators provides information
about the association, professional certification and state licensing
as well as updates of upcoming events, publications and other member
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College of Healthcare Executives. This professional society
site contains information about the association, its members, relevant
public policy issues, upcoming meetings, publications and educational
opportunities. Additionally a career resource center has been developed
for healthcare executives.
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Geriatrics Society. This site is a generic home page for
the AGS. Information is available about the organization, its publications
and seminars and how to obtain membership information.
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Health Care Association. The
American Health Care Association (AHCA) is a non-profit federation
of affiliated state health organizations. AHCA represents the
long term care community to the nation at large – to government,
business leaders, and the general public. It also serves as a force
for change within the long term care field, providing information,
education, and administrative tools that enhance quality at every
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Hospital Association. The
American Hospital Association (AHA) is the national organization
that represents and serves all types of hospitals, health care
networks, and their patients and communities. AHA provides
education for health care leaders and is a source of information on
health care issues and trends.
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Medical Association. The AMA site allows users to
research information about the association, locate doctors on the
AMA database, and browse their many publications, including the
Journal of the American Medical Association. Additionally,
the site provides information on medical science and education,
membership and constituency groups, advocacy and communications,
as well as links to other medical sites.
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Medical Directors Association. The
American Medical Directors Association is the professional
association of medical directors and physicians practicing in the
long term care continuum, dedicated to excellence in patient care by
providing education, advocacy, information, and professional
development. AMDA currently has over 7,400 members and a
database of over 2,000 attending physicians.
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Nurses Associations "Nursing World." This
professional nursing association site features information about
local and national membership, affiliated organizations (with links),
publications, and legislative and professional news.
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Physical Therapy Association, Section on Geriatrics. This
site contains information about research, upcoming conferences,
consumer information about geriatric physical therapy, and links
to other health and geriatric related Internet sites. It is useful
for therapists, geriatric clients, people considering careers in
physical therapy, and anyone concerned with health care issues for
the elderly.
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Psychiatric Nurses Association. This site provides
information about the association, as well as position papers; resources
from APNA News; mental health consumers guide; and other practice
resources. Additionally, the site provides updates on APNA's activities
and events; reports from committees and task forces; and answers
to questions from the membership.
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Seniors Housing Association. The
Senior Housing Information Project (SHIP) seeks to simplify
the process of choosing appropriate housing, care and
ancillary services through public education and awareness.
Working with national and local service providers, healthcare
associations as well as federal and state agencies, SHIP seeks to
provide solutions to some of the challenging issues facing today's
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Society of Consultant Pharmacists. This site, designed for
long term care consultant pharmacists, is a resource for pharmacy
news, new government programs and government relations, meetings
and products. "The Consultant Pharmacist," the ASCP newsletter is available in an online format.
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Living Federation of America. The
Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) is the largest
association dedicated to the assisted living industry and the
population it serves. ALFA represents over 6,000 for-profit and
not-for-profit providers of assisted living as well as a diverse
range of organizations involved in the assisted living
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Activity Professionals Association: The mission of Chicagoland
Activity Professionals Association (CAPA) is to provide education,
networking and professional enrichment opportunities to persons
working in the activity field or those who are interested in the
provision of therapeutic activities. The Chicagoland Activity Professionals
Association`s education programs focus on the theory and practice
of designing and providing Activities, Therapeutic Recreation, and
Psychosocial interventions to enhance the functional abilities,
self-esteem and quality of life for individuals within long term
care, assisted living, retirement, hospital based SNF units and/or
adult day services settings. The CAPA is dedicated to promoting
the vital importance of Activity Therapy and in maintaining and
improving the physical, mental and emotional well-being of persons
across the health care continuum.
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Managers Association. The Dietary Managers Association (DMA)
has over 14,000 members nationwide and over 600 in Illinois.
Members work in institutional food services with over 65% working
in in long term care facilities.
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Web. This is a listing of names, addresses, phone numbers
and WWW web pages for a number of associations that work with the
elderly, their caregivers, or their healthcare providers.
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Video Productions. This site provides educational resources
for nurses and psychologists who work in geriatric settings. This
is a commercial site.
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Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations.
This site, developed by the JCAHO, provides the healthcare community
ready to access services and products. The site provides instructions
on how to obtain information about organizations accredited by the
Joint Commission and how to order performance reports on recently
surveyed organizations.
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3.0 Technical Information: This site provides updates to the
MDS 3.0, RAI manual, quality measures, MDS 3.0 training, etc.
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Association of Boards of Examiners of Long Term Care Administrators.
strives to enhance the effectiveness of state boards of long term
care administrators in meeting their statutory and regulatory duties
and responsibilities to protect the health, safety, and welfare of
the public.
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Association of Directors of Nursing Administration in Long Term Care.
is the only professional non-profit association specifically serving
Directors and Assistant Directors of Nursing in Long Term Care.
NADONA/LTC seeks to enhance professional esteem for its members by
establishing Standards of Practice for DONs in Long Term Care, as
well as providing a Certification System for DONs.
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Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA). The NCQA is an independent,
not-for-profit organization dedicated to assessing and reporting
on the quality of managed care plans, including health maintenance
organizations (HMOs). NCQAs efforts are organized around two
activities, accreditation and performance measurement (report cards),
which are complementary strategies for producing information to
guide choice. In the future, these activities will be integrated.
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Fire Protection Association. NFPA teaches people of all ages how
to make responsible choices regarding fire health and safety.
The mission
of the NFPA is to reduce the worldwide burden of fire and other
hazards on the quality of life by providing and advocating
scientifically-based consensus codes and standards, research,
training and education.
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Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. The
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO) is the
oldest and largest nonprofit membership organization representing
hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the United
States. The organization is committed to improving end-of-life care
and expanding access to hospice care with the goal of profoundly
enhancing quality of life for people dying in America and their
loved ones.
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Employees International Union. SEIU
is the nation’s largest health care union, representing more than
755,000 health care workers, including 110,000 nurses and 20,000
doctors who are helping to create a health care system that puts
patients first and gives health care workers the time and support
they need to provide quality care.
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on Aging. This is the site of the U.S. federal government
agency responsible for taking the lead in issues dealing with older
Americans. It incorporates considerable information useful to older
Americans, including listings of state agencies on aging, AoA regional
offices, the Eldercare locator, a statistical profile of older Americans,
information about the Older Americans Act, the National Institute
on Agings Age Pages, and more.
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on Aging (Area Agencies on Aging): This site provides links
to the Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) by state. The AAAs are responsible
for publicly-sponsored aging programs within each state.
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for Health Care Policy and Research. This site is provided
by AHCPR, and and is an online guide to their research. Health practice
guidelines and consumer information packets are available through
the site, as well as past, current and future research projects.
Additionally information regarding federal healthcare research grants
is available.
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for Disease Control and Prevention. This site maintains
an extensive Web site with information on disease prevention guidelines
and strategies, with specific data and statistics, with project
grant and funding information and with descriptions of training
and employment opportunities.
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for Medicare and Medicaid Services. This site provides an
overview of Medicare and Medicaid policy, consumer literature about
Medicare, announcements and a telephone directory of central office
CMS Manuals:
MDS-RAI Manual:
State Operations Manual:
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Register. NARA ensures, for the citizen and the public servant,
for the President and for the Congress and the Courts, ready access
to essential evidence. It enables people to inspect for
themselves the record of what government has done. It enables
officials and agencies to review their actions and helps citizens
hold them accountable. It ensures continuing access to essential
evidence that documents the rights of American citizens, the actions
of federal officials, and the national experience.
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Register and Code of Federal Regulations. The federal government
makes available the Federal Register and the Code of Federal Regulations
as well as other documents online through the National Archives
and Records Administration. The Federal Register is published Monday
through Friday and is available online on the day that it is published.
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This site provides access to more than 130 U.S. government bulletin
boards. In its telephone-accessible, non-Internet form, this was
the first public U.S. government online system to provide a single
point of entry to the many separate agency "bulletin board
systems" or BBSs, as well as to several libraries of downloadable
files. This site is managed by the National Technical Information
Service within the Department of Commerce.
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Accounting Offices. The General Accounting Office is the audit,
evaluation, and investigative arm of Congress. GAO exists to support
the Congress in meeting its Constitutional responsibilities and to
help improve the performance and ensure the accountability of the
federal government for the American people. GAO examines the use of
public funds, evaluates federal programs and activities, and
provides analyses, options, recommendations, and other assistance to
help the Congress make effective oversight, policy, and funding
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and Family Services: This site provides information about the
qualifications for financial assistance for residents residing in
nursing homes within Illinois. There are links to other information
regarding couples with a spouse living in the community, supportive
living program, and pathways to living in the community.
Major Laws and Regulations Affecting HFS Operations:
Smart Act in Illinois:
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Activity Professionals Association (IAPA): The Illinois Activity
Professionals Association (IAPA) was founded in 1979 as a not-for-profit
organization. IAPA strives to meet the needs and interests of activity
professionals working within nursing homes, as well as retirement,
adult day care services, senior centers, assisted living facilities,
hospitals and mental health settings across Illinois.
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Illinois Department
on Financial and Professional Regulation: This site provides
users with the ability to renew their licenses, download application
forms, and check on the licenses of those applying to work in nursing
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Department of Professional Regulation. This site providers
users with the ability to renew their licenses, download application
forms, and check on the licenses of those applying to work in nursing
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Department of Public Health. This consumer oriented
site has been developed by the State of Illinois. It contains information
for customers regarding IDPH news, statistics, and press releases.
Additionally, public records such as birth and death certificates
and listings of local Public Health offices are available. This
site does not contain any pertinent information for providers as
of yet. According to the Department, there are plans for an expansion
of the site.
77, Chapter I, Part 300 Skilled Nursing and Intermediate Care Facilities
Public Health Laws and Rules:
Convictions in Accordance with the HEALTH CARE WORKER BACKGROUND
CHECK ACT [225 ILCS 46]:
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Illinois Department on
Aging. The mission of the Illinois Department on Aging is to
serve and advocate for older Illinoisans and their caregivers by
administering programs and promoting partnerships that encourage
independence, dignity and quality of life.
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This is the official government site for Medicare. It contains information
for consumers and providers. Provider information includes a technical
overview of the program; information on managed care and Medicare;
fraud and abuse; basic statistics; professional and technical publications,
including program manuals and newsletters; and information on the
integrity of the overall program.
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Association of Activity Professionals (NAAP): The Mission of
NAAP is to provide excellence in support services to Activity Professionals
through education, advocacy, technical assistance, promotion of
standards, and peer and industry relations.
Association of Activity Professionals Credentialing Center (NAAPCC):
The NAAP Credentialing Center is organized as an independent body
exclusively for the purpose of certifying Activity Professionals
that meet the standards and requirements set forth by the Center
and have successfully passed the competency exam. More specifically
certification by this body will assure that the individual will
meet the criteria required by CMS F-Tags 249 and 281 to direct quality
of life programming for seniors and others that they serve.
This option is open to all Activity Professionals working in Activities/Recreation
with the elderly. Activity Professionals have the option of certification
as an Activity Professional - Board Certified (AP-BC) or an Activity
Consultant - Board Certified (AC-BC).
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Institute on Aging. The
National Institute on Aging (NIA) leads a broad scientific effort
to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active
years of life. In 1974, Congress granted authority to form the National
Institute on Aging to provide leadership in aging research, training,
health information dissemination, and other programs relevant to
aging and older people. Subsequent amendments to this legislation
designated the NIA as the primary federal agency on Alzheimer’s
disease research.
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Institutes of Health. NIH is the steward of medical and
behavioral research for the Nation. Its mission is science in
pursuit of fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of
living systems and the application of that knowledge to extend
healthy life and reduce the burdens of illness and disability.
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Home Compare. The primary purpose of Nursing Home Compare
is to provide detailed information about the past performance of
every Medicare and Medicaid certified nursing home in the country.
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Safety & Health Administration. The
mission of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
is to save lives, prevent injuries and protect the health of
America's workers.
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Security Administration. This site includes an index to
benefit information, an online edition of the U.S. Social Security
Handbook on Benefits and Policies, a policy forum containing reports
to Congress, testimony, SSAs Annual Report to Congress, a
statistical database about Social Security, and legislation affecting
Social Security. You can also search for online documents produced
by SSA. It provides links to SSAs gopher server and other
government agencies with information related to Social Security.
Some of the information is also available in Spanish.
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of Illinois Web Site. The official site for the state of
Illinois includes links to information about: agencies, educational
institutions, tourism, museums, libraries, legislative members,
and the Capitol. All state agencies and departments, including the
governors office are accessible through this main site. As
of yet, individual legislators cannot be reached by e-mail, unless
they have set up their own site.
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– Quality Improvement Organization: Telligen is the Medicare
Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for the states of Iowa and
Illinois, under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid
Services (CMS), an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. The QIO Program is the largest federal program dedicated
to improving health quality at the community level. We support CMS
in their efforts to improve health for all Medicare beneficiaries,
ensuring the right care at the right time, every time. During our
current contract with CMS, Telligen is working with hospitals, providers,
nursing homes, health care systems, home health agencies, hospices
and comprehensive outpatient rehabilitation facilities on a number
of initiatives aimed at improving the care provided to Medicare
Each of Telligen's initiatives will result in:
• Better Patient Care
• Better Population Health
• Lower Healthcare Costs
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Legislative Information on the Internet. This site provides
full text of pending legislation and the Congressional record, as
well as e-mail directories for House and Senate members.
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Congress, Senate Special Committee on Aging. Since its founding
in 1961, the Senate Special Committee on Aging has served as a
focal point in the Senate for discussion and debate on matters
relating to older Americans. Often, the Committee will submit its
findings and recommendations for legislation to the Senate. In
addition, the Committee publishes materials of assistance to those
interested in public policies which relate to the elderly.
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Administration. The VA has developed this site to include
press releases, announcements for veterans, lists of veterans services,
organizations, job opportunities with the VA and the Government,
and what's new on the VA server. Additionally there are sub pages
on veterans benefits, facilities, special programs, VA organization,
VA data, medical advances and VA links.
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