Nursing: Take a close look at the residents.
Are the residents clean? Have the men been shaven? Are
the residents' hair clean and combed? Have their nails
been trimmed? Are their clothes washed and tidy?
Environmental Considerations: Does the center
feel inviting and comfortable? Are the residents' rooms
and the common areas clean and neat? Are there home-like
touches to enliven the environment?
Geography: Will it be easily accessible for
family and friends to visit their loved one at this
location? Is the center near preferred doctors and hospitals?
Financial: Will the financial status of the
potential resident be a problem? What will happen if
this individual runs out of funds and must go on Medicaid?
Diagnoses: How experienced is the center in
handling the residents' diagnoses? Will the center be
able to provide the appropriate level of care for the
residents' medical conditions? What kind of training
has the staff received on these conditions?
Activities: Does the center provide a wide variety
of activities on the monthly calendar? How many activities
are offered each day? Attend a center activity -- do
the residents seem interested and involved? What opportunities
exist for involvement with community organizations?
What does the center do to tailor their services to
the residents' previous interests and backgrounds?
Dietary: How much variety is there on the monthly
menu? Try one of the center's meals -- how appetizing
is the residents' food? Are there adequate staff members
on hand to assist residents with their meals?
Housekeeping: Do you see housekeepers on hand
to keep the center neat and clean? Is there a permeating
problem with odors? Look closely at the environment
-- how successfully is the center keeping everything
clean, neat, and orderly?
Therapy: Ask the admissions director to describe
the center's restorative and rehabilitation programs.
Is the therapy room well-equipped and is therapy being
provided? Request examples of how the center has successfully
promoted resident independence.
Resident Well-Being: Talk to the residents themselves
about their satisfaction with the center. Do the residents
seem happy, trusting, comfortable, and content? What
problems have they experienced at this center?