For more information, contact:

Pat Comstock, Health Care Council of Illinois, at 217/527-3615
Penny Zimmerman-Wills, Illinois Health Care Association, at 217/528-6455
Kevin Kavanaugh, Illinois Council on Long Term Care, at
Scott Parker, Life Services Network, at 630/325-6170

For Immediate Release
March 4, 2008

Long-Term Care Profession Sponsors Statewide Program to Benefit
Nursing Home Residents and Families

SPRINGFIELD – A new statewide program will benefit residents and their family members by streamlining quality improvements in today’s long-term care facilities.

The new program, called the Road to Excellence quality initiative, provides the necessary tools to help facilities across Illinois develop their own plans to achieve a higher level of quality during the next two years. It is being proposed by the Health Care Council of Illinois (HCCI), Life Services Network (LSN), Illinois Council on Long Term Care (ICLTC) and Illinois Health Care Association (IHCA).

This is the first time all four associations have collaborated on such a wide-reaching program.

According to HCCI Director Pat Comstock, the Road to Excellence quality initiative focuses on three major objectives:

*Preventing and reducing the incidents of resident pressure ulcers
*Assisting residents in managing and reducing chronic pain
*Improving resident and family satisfaction through consistent surveys

The goals of this initiative are to:

*demonstrate the proactive commitment of the long-term care profession to overall care improvement
*provide individual facilities with the necessary tools and resources to positively impact resident care in targeted areas
*monitor success achieved as a result of increased funding for nursing home residents

“This exciting new program is intended to complement and support the efforts already being made in our facilities across the state,” said Dennis Bozzi, president of LSN. “The areas we are focusing on have already been designated as priorities of most facilities.”

The Road to Excellence is designed to highlight in an organized, measurable way the overall success of our individual facilities statewide, said IHCA Executive Director David Voepel. 

Success will be monitored through statewide resident and family satisfaction surveys. Individual facilities may also voluntarily participate in a corresponding staff satisfaction survey.

Terry Sullivan, executive director of the ICLTC, said the associations will provide guidance to facilities through standardized tools to support and guide the facility’s overall Quality Assurance program, as well as provide standardized protocols, assessment tools, reporting forms and documentation guides for pressures ulcers and pain management. Training seminars for staff on pressure ulcer prevention and pain management will also be held.

For more information, go to: