Contact: Kevin Kavanaugh
Director of Public Affairs
(773) 478-6613

March 14, 2006

Illinois Council Urges Cook County Board Not to Apply Smoking Ban
 to Nursing Homes

(Chicago) – The proposed Cook County ordinance banning smoking in more than 115 suburbs should not apply to nursing homes, says the Illinois Council on Long Term Care, an association representing 200 facilities. This ban would forbid individuals from smoking within 15 feet of public places, including nearly 100 nursing homes located in Cook County. The Cook County Board of Commissioners is scheduled to vote on the ordinance Wednesday. If approved, these places would have just 60 days to comply. 

“Unlike bars, restaurants and bowling alleys, nursing homes are the homes for thousands of Illinois citizens,” said Terrence Sullivan, executive director of the Illinois Council. “People should have the right to smoke in the places where they live. This is really a human rights issue,” he said.

“Federal law protects the right of nursing home residents to smoke in their own homes,” adds Sullivan. “The county ordinance should be amended to allow nursing home residents to smoke in safe, designated areas of their buildings.” 

Thousands of nursing home employees and residents have been calling the 17 members of the Cook County Board of Commissioners to ask commissioners to exempt nursing homes from the ordinance. 

“These frail and elderly residents shouldn’t have to go outside, more than fifteen feet away from their own homes, to be able to smoke,” said Sullivan.  “During extreme weather, this requirement will place their health in peril. These residents, like all Cook County citizens, should have the right to smoke in their own homes.”

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The Illinois Council on Long Term Care is a professional association of nearly 200 nursing facilities committed to quality residential health care in Illinois through a productive and responsible partnership between the private and public sectors. The Council represents more than 26,000 nursing home professionals serving more than 37,000 residents. Helpful information for seniors and families can be found at the Council’s Web site