May 9, 2006
Nursing Homes Prepare for Avian Flu Pandemic
(CHICAGO) – The Illinois Council
on Long Term Care, a statewide association representing
26,000 long term care professionals, is preparing its
members for the possibility of a pandemic flu outbreak.
Nursing homes serve very high risk and susceptible
populations, and the Illinois Council wants to make sure
that the state’s 100,000 nursing home residents are
The Council has attended flu
pandemic conferences sponsored by the Illinois
Department of Public Health (IDPH), and will participate
in an IDPH pandemic flu exercise from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30
p.m. on Thursday, May 11, at the Northfield Inn in
Springfield. This scenario will involve enacting public
safety responses during the stages of this crisis. In
addition, the Council wrote several clinical newsletters
on the avian flu pandemic and is drafting a model
facility policy for its membership.
“Although initial symptoms are
similar to regular influenza, pandemic flu is likely to
be far more serious and deadly, because there are no
known vaccines for humans,” said Susan Duda-Gardiner,
director of clinical services for the Illinois Council.
“Pandemic flu can spread outside the normal flu
season, which is November to March, and cause much
greater social disruption than regular flu.”
Symptoms of avian influenza can
range from typical human influenza-like symptoms to eye
infections, pneumonia and severe respiratory disease.
Unlike seasonal flu, healthy people also will be at
increased risk for serious complications because no one
has developed immunity to this virus. The symptoms can
progress to complications and death in as quickly as two
When a pandemic starts, everyone in
Illinois and the nation could be at risk. The time to
start planning for a pandemic is now. Here
are some examples of recommendations from the Illinois
Council for nursing home professionals providing care
during an avian flu epidemic:
- Stop visitors at the door and check for flu-like
symptoms. Do not allow anyone with flu-like symptoms
into the building, as it puts residents at extreme
risk. Post signs outside the front doors indicating
that anyone with flu-like symptoms should not come
- Have items available throughout the building for
appropriate cough etiquette, including multiple
boxes of facial tissue, wastebaskets with covers,
hand gel sanitizers, etc. Teach residents, staff and
visitors about proper cough techniques;
- Keep
all residents with flu-like symptoms together in one
section of the building, away from the healthier
residents. Have one designated team of staff members
work in this section only;
- Have
staff members providing care to residents with
flu-like symptoms follow strict isolation
procedures, wearing gloves, facial masks and gowns
as needed;
- Vigilantly
monitor outbreaks of infection in your local area to
quickly launch into pandemic mode when needed;
- Be
prepared to provide acute care in your nursing
facility in case the local hospitals become
overloaded; and
- Plan for the stockpiling of at least a week’s
supply of consumable resources, including medical
supplies, when there is evidence that pandemic
influenza has reached the United States.
To keep yourself and your loved
ones living in nursing homes healthy, limiting the
spread of germs, the Illinois Council recommends the
- Clean
your hands frequently and after coughing or sneezing
with soap and water or an alcohol-based cleaner;
- Cover
your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or
- Put
a used tissue in a covered, hands-free wastebasket;
- Cough
or sneeze into your upper sleeve if you don’t have
a tissue;
- Continue
to get a flu shot to help protect yourself from
seasonal flu and stay healthy (this shot will not
protect you against pandemic influenza). Persons
over the age of 65 and those with chronic conditions
such as diabetes or asthma should also get a
pneumonia shot every five years to prevent secondary
infection; and
- If
you become infected with the flu pandemic virus,
stay home from work and school for seven days
after your symptoms have cleared, as you still
remain infectious during this time. Children 12
years old and younger remain infectious for up to 21
days. Do not visit nursing homes during this period,
as these residents are very much at risk.
To stay informed about the pandemic
flu, visit the official federal government Web site at
or the IDPH Web site at,
which contains the latest information about outbreaks,
safety guidelines and travel advisories. Another source
for information on pandemic influenza is the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) hotline at
1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636).
# #
The Illinois Council on Long Term Care is a
professional association of nearly 200 nursing
facilities committed to quality residential health care
in Illinois through a productive and responsible
partnership between the private and public sectors. The
Council represents more than 26,000 nursing home
professionals serving more than 37,000 residents.
Helpful information for seniors and families can be
found at the Council’s Web site