Contact: Kevin Kavanaugh
Director of Public Affairs
(773) 478-6613

July 1, 2005


Illinois Department of Public Aid discontinues coverage of common, yet vital, over-the-counter drugs for Medicaid-dependent Illinois nursing home residents

CHICAGO—The Illinois Council on Long Term Care, a statewide association of long term care facilities, is appalled by the decision of the Illinois Department of Public Aid (IDPA) to discontinue Medicaid coverage of many common, yet vital, over-the-counter drugs, including pain relievers, laxatives, iron replacements and artificial tears as of August 1, 2005.  And, as of September 1, 2005, IDPA will discontinue payment for acid reducers and wound care dressings.

Terrence Sullivan, executive director of the Illinois Council on Long Term Care, is available for comment on the detrimental effect this decision will have on Illinois’ frail elderly living in nursing homes.

Earlier this week, Gov. Blagojevich signed the state’s first-ever “No Senior Left Behind” law, which he touts as a safety net that will protect seniors in Illinois from the shortfalls created by the federal prescription drug program.

“While we applaud the governor for his leadership on assisting older adults afford their much-needed prescription drugs, we are concerned for the health and well-being of the state’s elderly, Medicaid-dependent residents,” said Sullivan.

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The Illinois Council on Long Term Care is a professional association of nearly 200 nursing facilities committed to quality residential health care in Illinois through a productive and responsible partnership between the private and public sectors. More information about Illinois nursing homes can be found at