Contact: Kevin Kavanaugh
Director of Public Affairs
(773) 478-6613

January 6, 2005

Cold Weather Tips to Safeguard Seniors

CHICAGO — When temperatures drop, it’s risky for everyone, but for the elderly it can be fatal. Seniors are particularly susceptible to complications from winter weather. Falls, influenza and hypothermia top the list of winter ailments. The Illinois Council on Long Term Care, a statewide association of long term care facilities, offers valuable tips to the public on how to keep the elderly safe and comfortable during the winter as temperatures and wind chills dip below zero.

"We want to share some of our tips to ensure the continued welfare and safety for thousands of older Illinoisans throughout the state," said Susan Duda Gardiner, director of clinical services for the Council. "Illinois nursing home staff do an excellent job of protecting residents from extreme cold and related conditions and have much to impart."

The Illinois Council on Long Term Care provides the following advice for protecting elderly friends, family and neighbors from cold weather-related illnesses and injuries:

Ensure loved ones wear hats, mittens, scarves and a warm coat and layers when going outside.

Provide proper footwear for seniors: outdoors, a rubber sole shoe with treads for ice and snow; indoors, a shoe with a thin rubber sole or rough leather sole.

Make sure sidewalks and driveways are clear and sanded or salted.

Keep apartment and room temperatures set at 70 degrees or warmer.

Inspect heating unit and make sure it is in good working condition.

Arrange for plenty of blankets to keep older family members or friends warm while they sleep.

Talk with elderly persons about the importance of eating nutritious foods and drinking extra fluids; an improper diet can lead to a lowered immune system.

Be aware of medications that the senior in your life is taking, as certain medications can cause dizziness or affect the blood vessels’ ability to respond to temperature changes.

Cover your nose and mouth when coughing or sneezing, to avoid spreading germs; use tissues when blowing your nose and dispose of used tissues immediately, to stop viruses from spreading; and wash your hands thoroughly, to prevent circulating the flu or other illnesses.

Seniors, their families and their caregivers should be aware that winter increases the risk for falls, influenza and hypothermia.

Falls, always a concern for older persons, are more likely when ice and snow make walking outdoors more difficult. Falls and their consequences are one of the leading causes of death in people 65 and older.

Influenza cases increase in winter. With this year’s flu vaccine shortage, it’s even more important that seniors avoid contact with those who have symptoms of the flu.

Hypothermia is a condition of below-normal body temperature and can occur when the body’s temperature is at or below 96 degrees. Persons older than 75 years are five times more likely to die from hypothermia than those younger than 75.

In the case of falls, influenza or hypothermia, the Council advises families and caregivers to consult a physician.

Media Note: To arrange an interview with Susan Duda Gardiner to discuss the importance of these tips related to seniors and cold weather, please call Kevin Kavanaugh at 773-478-6613.

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The Illinois Council on Long Term Care is an association of nearly 200 Illinois nursing facilities that employ 26,000 professionals who provide care to more than 37,000 residents. To learn more information about nursing home care in Illinois, visit the Council’s Web site