"I chose long term care because I wanted to get to know
my patients...and establish relationships, know their families,
know their background and help them from that point on in
their recovery. It makes me work harder and provide the best
care I can to my patients thinking that something I do on
a very basic level makes them feel so much better. I believe
its the most satisfying and rewarding job in the world."
Registered Nurse
4 years
"What got me involved in long term care was my mother.
My mother always set a good example when it came to caring
for people.
It makes me feel really, really good when I see the residents
smile. When their eyes light up in the morning when they see
me - it really gives you a warm feeling to know that you really
took care of somebody. They really appreciate what you did,
especially when you see an individual responding and growing
- it's an overall great feeling."
Certified Nurses Aide
12 years
"I started off in an acute care hospital on a medical
unit as a Nurses' Aide, and I found myself being drawn more
and more toward the geriatric patients that we would get because
they would come in several times.
I've been in long term care since 1978. I find this experience
to be very rewarding. The reason why long term care is so
special for me personally is because it gives me a sense of
satisfaction that I have done something to help somebody's
life in the long run as opposed to a short term stay in a
hospital. You become a family when you are the main person
the residents look to for help and advice. You know what's
going on with them - as soon as something happens you recognize
it. Even if they can't verbalize it, they know you're there
and that you care.
Nowhere else will people have such a rewarding career where
they're very appreciated. It takes somebody with a big heart."
Registered Nurse
23 years
"I love long term care. It's all I've ever wanted to
do. When I went to nursing school, I just knew the geriatric
population was the population I wanted to take care of . .
. the geriatric population is very rewarding. I get so much
from them. More than I think I give them at times. It's very
enjoyable. It's a lot of fun.
It's the little things. It's the smiles. It's the hugs.
It's seeing them get better. I would tell anyone to consider
a career in long term care because you will get so much from
taking care of the elderly -- whether it's the history that
they tell you about, what they've lived through, or just helping
them get showered and getting cleaned.
Really, it's making a difference in their lives . . . sharing
the special moments. It's very fulfilling."
Registered Nurse
18 years
"I have been a Licensed Practical Nurse for nine years.
I feel appreciated working in long term care. For me, it's
very rewarding. By talking to the residents, listening, at
times just holding their hands and just being there for them.
It makes a difference.
A few years ago, a resident came into our facility who was
bedridden, confused and totally dependent on the staff. With
the help of the inter-disciplinary team, we all worked together,
and were able to make a difference in her life. Today, she
is up and about, practically running the floor - in charge
of everything!
Each time I see her, I think about how she was when she
first came to us, and how rewarding it is to see her today."
Licensed Practical Nurse
9 years
"I've been in long term care for 35 years. It's very
rewarding because the residents just touch my heart. I enjoy
it. My kids always tell me, 'Mom, you just love your job,
don't you?' I tell them, 'It's not so much the job. It's the
residents. They just make my day."
Certified Nurse's Aide
35 years
"I chose long term care because I enjoy working with
the elderly. A lot of the residents like to sit down and talk
with somebody and tell their stories of years back, and show
pictures of their families.
It's very gratifying to see the progress the residents make.
One resident came in after having a stroke, and he had a splint
on his hand and a brace on his leg, and he would always take
them off and hide them from us because he didn't want to wear
them. Then his daughter came in and announced her engagement.
She wanted him to be able to walk her down the aisle when
she got married, so he would start to bring his splint and
leg brace to us and he was able to walk his daughter down
the aisle."
Rehabilitation Nurse
28 years
"I like doing things for the people and helping to make
their life a little bit better for them. I feel good. A lot
of times I would go home and tell my children about this person
who I met and, basically, it really lifts you up because you
can do something for someone. You get a resident who is a
little down, and you can lift their spirits and get them laughing
- it makes you feel good inside."
30 years